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Directory Maximizer Review: Get Quality Back Links from Directory Submissions

The following is a review of Directory Maximizer, the best directory submission tool I have come across online.

Building quality back links through directory submissions is a must do activity if you are serious about your success on the internet.

Whether you have a website or blog, getting quality back links from directories will help you rank higher in search engine search results, and as a result drive more organic traffic to your website.

But more importantly, it will stabilize your website in search engine’ index and ensure you are not dropped the next time engines alter their search algorithms and recalibrate their index (rankings).

Ever seen sudden dips in your website’s traffic patterns? The lack of incoming links to your website is the primary reason for this traffic fluctuation phenomenon, especially when the website or blog is relatively new.  Today you might see it on Google’s top 100, tomorrow you won’t.  Not so strange once we understand why . .

What are Directory Submissions?

Directory submissions are exactly what they sound like.  Think about the old phone book or Yellow Pages that used to sit under your side table in the living room. In order to get listed in it, you had to submit an application.  Online directories are exactly the same, except they are online and not under your table.

Since people now go to the Internet for their searches (instead of the thick books which are nowhere to be found in my household today), it is important that you submit your website or blog for inclusion in these.

Online directories are large websites organized by various categories (an index).  Within each category is a sub category and within each sub cat are individual websites and blogs.  For example: Home & Garden –> Landscaping –> Your Landscaping Website

The Importance and Effect of Back Links

Because quality incoming links to your website or blog is a critical component of your success on the Internet, you must proactively work to build these links.

Unless your website is the next CNN or Facebook, quality inbound links will not automatically come to you.  You must go out and get them, especially if your website or blog is relatively new; say less than 18 months old.

The Best First Move for Your Website or Blog

Submitting your website or blog to directories is one of the best first “off-page” moves you can make.  When I say “off-page”, I mean everything not impacting your physical website or blog, such as search engine optimization which involves meta coding for example.

Off page marketing activities typically involve submissions of some sort. Think articles, press releases, blog comments, forum posts, social bookmarks etc.  These activities are also commonly referred to as internet marketing activities.

Submitting your website to directories is one of the best first moves because 1) it is very easy to execute 2) doesn’t take long 3) gives you the best chance for inclusion/acceptance (low rejection rates) 4) instantly builds quality back-links (credibility) to your website.

Here is an example:

Search Sight is a Page Rank (PR) 5 Directory that looks like this.

Search Sight Online Directory

Look at the top right and see where is says “Submit Your Site”?  Simply click on it and fill in a few fields and boom you’re done.

Search Sight Online Directory

There are a total of 6 whopping fields that take 45 seconds to complete. Another 5 seconds to click the “Submit” button on the bottom and you potentially have one PR 5 back link to your website in less than a minute.

Submitting to directories early in your website’s lifespan is also important because many online directories frown upon “commercial websites”. A commercial website is any website that is generating revenues.  So if you have Google Adsense ads up on your blog, directories will review your submission under different criteria.

Some directories would simply reject your submission, while others will ask you to pony up an inclusion fee, which could range from $2 to $250 depending on the caliber of the online directory. That said, it is never too late to submit to directories.

If you have a website or blog that is 2 years old or older but are still struggling with traffic and building incoming links, stop what you are doing right now and focus on directory submissions for a full week.  I guarantee you will see some results.

Here is what I typically do.

Whenever I have the first 10 pages of any new niche content website I build live on the server, the first thing I do is schedule 100 directory submissions each month for a full year. I will talk about how I do this below. If you are a blogger, 10 pages is equivalent to 10 quality posts.

By starting the directory submission process early in, I am able to continue to build my website’s content (web pages) while my website is automatically being submitted to directories over time in parallel.

This ensure that months later when my website is ready for the world, I will already have hundreds of quality back links to my website, solidifying my position on search engine rankings and ensuring I maximize the organic traffic generated to my website.

The Mother and Grand Daddy of All Directories

There are thousands of directories on the Internet today (large, small and specialty niche types). DMOZ (The Open Project) and Yahoo were the two largest and most credible online directories since the day the Internet stood still, and still are to my knowledge.

Because these directories have blown up in proportion to others, their inclusion criteria is very strict, not to mention that inclusion space is “limited”.  Acceptance rates today in either one of these is very, very low.

However, the few minutes you spend submitting your website or blog to these directories is well worth your time. It may take months before you get listed, or not listed at all, but the few minutes you put in today can make a world of a difference in the long run. You might just be surprised.

These directories manually and individually review each submission.  If accepted, you will notice a tremendous boost in your rankings and traffic a result. These directories are extremely credible and they have a high Page Rank.

DMOZ is still free to apply to today, while Yahoo has both a free and paid section.  If you haven’t implemented monetization methods on your website yet, make sure you select the free option. If you are considered a “commercial” or “money-generating website”, you need to decide whether you want to fork up a couple hundred dollars for the application fee.

Keep in mind that Yahoo charges this fee just for the review of your application. This does not guarantee acceptance or link inclusion.  If approved, you will have to pay this fee annually.

Is it worth it? It sure is if you can afford it.  But don’t be too heart-broken if you either do not want to pay, cannot afford to pay or get rejected.  Of the several websites I own, only 3 are included in the Yahoo directory.

You can always go back and pay Yahoo for inclusion later on when you start making money from your website or blog.  For now, life goes on 🙂

Website Traffic Impact

The primary purpose of directory submissions is to build quality back links to your website, and benefit from the search engine traffic you get as a result of having your website ranked high in search engine search results.  Remember that incoming links from directory submissions is a component of your website or blog’s high search engine ranking or position.

The purpose of directory submissions however IS NOT to get traffic directly from web surfers clicking your directory link and landing on your website as a result.  That said, you WILL get some traffic from direct clicks to your directory listings.

For example, below is the traffic breakdown of one of my website’s over a couple month period. Notice that over 16%, or almost 65,000 unique visitors reached my website from “Referring Sites”, of which directories are a part of.

Traffic Breakdown

So while direct traffic is not the primary purpose behind website submissions to directories, you will get a trickle of traffic from these as a collateral benefit.

Manual Directory Submissions

As discussed above, it doesn’t take long to submit your website’s address (URL) to an online directory. But where do you find these directories?

Fire up a search engine of your choice and simply type in the following:  “your website’s topic” + “directory”.  If your website is about red roses, you want to type in “red roses” + “directory”.

Here are three good resources that list out some directories you can start submitting to today:

My problem with manual directory submissions is that it takes too much time.  Yeah yeah I said less than a minute, but what if you want 1,000 back links to your website? It does add up.

In addition, the task is mindless, tedious and most importantly, with advancements in technology today, it has become VERY CHEAP to execute automatically with just a few steps up front to get the ball rolling.

Automatic Directory Submissions – Directory Maximizer

I haven’t submitted to directories manually since having discovered the Directory Maximizer Service.

This is a directory submission firm that is based out of India and does an excellent job for a price that initially had made me quite skeptical. However, after trying them out and experiencing the quality and effectiveness of what they do, I have done business with them on a recurring basis.

For just a few pennies per submission, you can have them submit your website to as many as 1,300+ directories in their database. What I like about this firm is that they periodically update their database of directories, ensuring that your URL is submitted only to legitimate and quality directories.

These guys even have a list of all their directories, listed with each directory’s URL as well as latest PR, which they update quarterly. If you’d like, you can easily leverage their work in putting this list together to start submitting on your own.

An alternative to Directory Maximizer is the free Directory Submitter tool. This is an excellent free tool that will save you a lot of time during the submission process. However, there is some up front work involved in setting up your website or blog’s information for submission.

I used this tool initially before I discovered Directory Maximizer.  What I don’t like about the free tool is that it restricts you to only 350 directories.  In addition, many of these are now stale as they don’t update the list.  I had later upgraded to the full paid version, which expanded my submission reach. However, I feel the free tool is pretty good too.

Risk of Over Saturation & Raising Red Flags

I know what you are thinking right now. Several hundred, and possibly over one thousand back links to your website within a short time frame can raise a red flag couldn’t it?

For a website that is brand new, yes it can. For a seasoned website of 6, 8, 12 or more months old? No. That is precisely why it is never too late to consider directory submissions. In fact, I highly recommend you do no matter how new or old your website or blog is.

For a brand new website however, slow, steady and gradual growth of back links is advisable because it looks more “natural” to search engines.  You can either manually apply to a handful every month for the next X months, or you can take advantage of Directory Maximizer’s auto submission process which allows you to set submissions on auto pilot.

This is one of the biggest reasons I use their services for every niche content website that I build.  You can set up your account so that your website or blog is submitted to any number of directories you want over a period of 2, 3, 4 or 5 weeks, or 3, 6, 9, 12 or more months.

The option I always go with is the 100 submissions per month for 12 months option.  This costs me $14 per month, or a per directory submission cost of just .14 cents! Can I afford to pay that little to free up my time so I can make a lot more money with it? Of course I can. It is a no brainer for me.

Here is what the account management dashboard looks like:

Directory Maximizer

As you can see, you have a variety of options. You can submit to all (you can get by doing this if you have a seasoned website), or specify however many submissions you want and spread it over any number of weeks, or submit 100 every month for as many months up to a year.

However you want to do it, you can set up auto payments via PayPal or a credit card.  This way, you set up your account for submission only once and are never again bothered about it.

Each time your URL is submitted, you will receive an email from the directory confirming your submission.  In addition, you can login to your Directory Maximizer account at any time to view your submission status reports.

As good as this service firm is, there is one factor that absolutely sold me to them more than any other.  Their Customer Service.  These guys are extremely responsive over email and very helpful in addressing all questions, concerns and reservations.  I highly recommend you check them out.

Directory Submission Myths

Directory submissions are a thing of the past.  This is complete BS from my personal experience.  Think about the nature of the Internet and how search engines work. If directory submissions are obsolete, then why do we submit articles to article directories? Isn’t the concept the same?

Another myth is that you should only submit to high PR directories.  Again, there is no sense in this. Think about it. Was the directory that is now a PR 6 a PR 6 when it first started? No. Every website starts with a Goose Egg.

In fact, high PR directories have more stringent requirements, and many charge fees. Acceptance rates in lower PR directories are higher.  Many of these low PR directories grow to become popular high PR directories later on. By having your URL accepted early in their evolution, you will give yourself a chance to ride their waive of success in the future.

That said, I suggest mixing up the directories you submit to. What is more important is that you start submitting.

Niche Directories

This post will not be complete without discussion of specialty, or niche directories. While submitting to just any directory can get you back links to your website or blog, submitting to directories relevant to your topic or niche can give you extra “oomph” in the eyes of search engines.

Search engines are continuing to become more sophisticated than ever before, moving toward artificial human-like intelligence capabilities.  The more sophisticated engines become in the future, the more back link relevancy will start to matter.

Although search engines do not disclose their search algorithm methodologies, one can argue that the effect of the “artificial intelligence factor” can already be felt today. I would agree with this.

But what does all jargon that mean for you? This means that until we do not know for a fact that directory submissions are going to be ignored if not relevant to the website or blog’s topic, we can continue to benefit from them as revealed by the website traffic pie chart shown above.

However, this also means that to the extent possible, we also need to find and submit our websites and blogs to directories that are relevant to our content.  This appears to be the direction in which search engines are moving toward, and it wouldn’t be prudent to ignore the Gods who determine our fates online.

I use SBI’s Search It! function, the most powerful special purpose internet marketing search engine I have come across.

Site Build It! Search It

Concluding Thoughts

While directory submissions are an excellent way to kick start your website or blog’s presence online, there are several other ways to build quality back-links as well.  Some examples include guest blogging, article marketing, press release marketing, blog and forum commenting, social bookmarking etc.

I plan on writing about each of these in detail similar to this post. For now however, I hope that you found this information helpful.

Did I miss anything on building quality backlinks through directory submissions? Do you have anything to add to make this review of directory submissions a bit more comprehensive?

Note:  I am an affiliate of Directory Maximizer and am rewarded with a commission when a reader subscribes to the Directory Maximizer submission program.

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31 Responses to “Directory Maximizer Review: Get Quality Back Links from Directory Submissions”

  1. ian says:

    nice information sunil, you’re one of the best newbie (like me) guide 🙂

    thanks for share this information

    best regards


  2. Janet says:

    Hi Sunil,

    you are such a good writer. Each of your articles contains useful information. I can learn a lot from you. Thank you so much.

  3. Jeff says:

    Hi Sunil,

    Thanks for demystifying the directory submission myths. I was under the impression that they weren’t so important now a days.

    • Sunil says:

      There is a lot of truth to your statement Jeff especially after the Panda update which is all about content relevancy, and at the same time they still do work, particularly if you are in a niche that is not so competitive. Part of the reason they work is the same reason they do not work – relevancy. Out of the hundreds of directories you end up submitting to, chances are there will be a few that are somewhat relevant to your niche. I have found directory submissions to be a quick way to get your pages indexed on major search engines and quickly gather some high PR back links to your website/blog.

  4. John Smith says:

    Hello Sunil,

    Very nice posting. Thank you for the wonderful information about directory submission.

  5. John Smith says:

    Hello Sunil,

    Yes, I am also doing manual directory submission for getting quality back links for my website.

  6. David says:

    Hi Sunil,

    Do you believe directory submissions and the meat of this post are still relevant in light of the newest google updates?

    • Sunil says:

      David, it depends on a couple things, the niche you are in and the anchor text variety, both of which I discuss in the post. the program I use allows you to mix up your anchor text and drip feeds submissions over time (variety and velocity are both at the forefront of Google latest algo guidelines).

      there are irrelevant directories in the database which sometimes reject the submissions. but for those that accept, Google negates any benefit derived. there are relevant directories in the mix that you benefit from. I started a new site in a very low competitive niche and so far with just directories the pages are gaining traction.

      does that help?

  7. LaTusha says:

    Hi Sunil

    Have you ever submitted books to directories? Ex: website where the book is listed or have you only submitted niche/authority sites?

  8. Dannielle says:

    Hi Sunil… I think I’m confused. Several of the directories ask for the main url and not pages/ posts urls. So effectively, I would only be submitting the site to a particular directory once. How then can I get my posts and pages “noticed?”

    • Sunil says:

      many directories only accept the root URL (some accept deep links to pages). that said, submitting your main URL to one specific directory will suffice. that is what DM helps you do. as your home page increases in rank, it will in many ways impact your deep pages. the vice versa is also true. you can build links to your deep pages through article marketing/social media. collectively the deep pages help propel your home page. does this make sense? read my article on building a website structure (pyramid model) to see how I execute this.

  9. Dannielle says:

    Yes, it makes sense. I read your article on building a website structure and it was extremely helpful. I’ve used it to structure two of my website tryouts so far. Thanks!

  10. Dannielle says:

    I’m not sure, because it’s been kind of slow going. I have been focusing on writing good articles and I’m doing manual directory submissions. I’m still in the learning stages, because there is so much to understand.

    • Sunil says:

      if I were to pick I’d focus my time on content creation. directory submissions are good when automated, but I feel manual submissions are more work than benefit. thoughts?

  11. Dannielle says:

    I think I agree with you too. I just hope that my content is good enough to propel the site. (fingers crossed)

  12. Dannielle says:

    Hi again Sunil. I can give you a tiny update about one of my sites. I launched a site on Saturday with 7 articles. After reading what you said yesterday about focusing on content, I added two more articles. Today (Tuesday), the site was ranked at #13 for the main keyword which has an exact domain name. Is this good progress?

    • Sunil says:

      the fact that you are ranked so high for a brand new site is exciting Dannielle. you will see rank dance around (up and down) for a bit until things stabilize. keep plugging away sounds like you are doing fantastic

  13. Jermaine says:

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts on directory maximizer.

  14. Tuyet says:

    Nice post. I was checking constantly this blog and I am impressed!
    Very helpful info particularly the last part 🙂 I care for such info a lot.
    I was seeking this certain information for a long time.
    Thank you and good luck.

  15. Thanks for the review I will give them a try on my niche site. How are they for offline local seo business submissions or citations?

  16. Makary says:

    Thanks for nice and very informational review.
    I will consider this service 🙂

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