This blog is an extension of my original website I had created that website to help those struggling to make ends meet to make a few extra bucks in their spare time through paid surveys and other paid offers. It is not a bad way to put together some extra cash on the side.
This blog however focuses on those who are already working 9 to 5 jobs (or other kinds), are relatively stable in life, but who want “more out of life”. “More” in this context doesn’t necessarily mean more money.
Many have good paying jobs and are perfectly happy from a financial perspective. However, they maybe craving other voids in their lives such as having more time to spend with their families, more flexibility and freedom in life, a more secure financial future, or just doing something they find more interesting.
So now that you know about the “mission” of both best. I welcome you to enjoy and benefit from both. my website and blog, you can choose which one suits your situation. If you are interested in making money filling out paid surveys and completing other paid offers (which is a viable way to earn some good cash on the side), visit my website to Make Extra Money Online here.
If you do so, make sure you sign up for my newsletter – it is the best way to stay abreast of money making opportunities.